Asgard Arms is an official stocking dealer for Glock Blue Label and Shadow Systems Patriot Protector programs. Law Enforcement Officers can acquire a firearm with a Lautenberg Certification without a federal NICS background check. Contact us for more details on specific duty firearms.

Glock Blue Label firearms are available to:
- Sworn Law Enforcement officers, including Federal, State, County, & City
- Includes retired L.E. officers with "retired" credentials
- EMT’s, Fire Fighters, Volunteer Fire Fighters, and Paramedics
- Military personnel including Reservists and National Guard with I.D.
- Includes retired Military with "retired" credentials DD214
- Corrections Officers, including Parole and Probation Officers
- State Licensed Security Companies (Loomis, RAM, etc.)
- State Licensed Armed Security Officers
- Court Judges, District Attorneys and Deputy District Attorneys.
- LE Academy Cadets with enrollment documentation from the Academy
- Glock Sport Shooting Foundation (GSSF) members with current gun purchase card
***Limit 2 per year***

The Shadow Systems Patriot and Protector Program gives Law Enforcement, Military, and First Responders access to Shadow Systems pistols at a deep discount. Eligible LEO, Military, and First Responders can purchase their discounted Shadow Systems directly through their local retailer without long lead times.